
  1. 本站不会主动收集任何访客的信息;
  2. 由于使用了Google analytics,它可能会收集对于页面的访问次数或停留时间等浏览路径,来生成站点运营报告;其中还可能包括一些性能的采集,来评估网站的性能。这部分以他们的隐私协议为准。
  3. 由于使用了Disqus评论功能,它也可能会收集对于页面评论的记录来评估内容质量,还有可能判断来路IP来显示某些地区来源的访客统计。这部分以他们的隐私协议为准。
  4. 网络不是法外之地,请保持基于道德水准和符合当地法律的沟通与交流。

  1. This site does not actively collect any visitor information.
  2. Due to the use of Google analytics, it may collect for the number of page visits or dwell time and other browsing paths to generate site operation reports; which may also include some performance collection to evaluate the performance of the site. This part is subject to their privacy agreement.
  3. Due to the use of Disqus comments, it may also collect records of page comments to evaluate content quality, and may determine incoming IPs to display visitor statistics for certain regional sources. This is subject to their privacy agreement.
  4. The Internet is not a place of law, so please keep your communications and exchanges ethical and in accordance with local laws.